No, I didn't decide to invest in an e-reader because I don't want other commuters to see the covers of my filthy books! Get your minds out of the gutter!
I set up this blog as a script of my...self development, if you will.
Although it's kind of taken on a beauty-driven tone recently, I've been reviewing things and I'm going to go back to what I set out to do- adding in more non-beauty posts, style posts and posts about how I'm getting on with the Style Resolutions. And they are about living fabulously, not just about slapping on the slap, girlfrieeeend.
So one of those Resolutions is to read more stylishly.
I mean, just to read more in general is an achievement. But my friend Nook makes it feel a bit more...glam.
Well, that's a good question, Samantha.
For a long time now I've been in the 'there's nothing that can beat a book!' school of thought *puts on tweed jacket and smokes a pipe*
I mean, it's true, there is a magical quality about picking up a real, paper book and the smell of the pages (please don't say it's just me that likes a sniff?)
But when you're a busy gal (or boy, as the case may be), books become a bit of a pain in the bum.
Who wants to lug a 400 page tome around on the tube? Or on a weekend away?
That's vital SHOE SPACE it's taking up in your bag!
And being a lover of shoes, I knew it was time to take the plunge in to the virtual world.
Well, being honest with you- the price.
Call me a cheapskate (or paid as little as a church mouse) but I don't just have an odd £100 to splash on a book-reading machine.
Like all us bloggers, I am one for researching vigorously online before making a purchase- particularly purchases over, say £20.
And when I came across an e-reader that didn't have a screen as small as a gnat's bum for a bargain price, I could hardly believe it.
But it's true- as part of the Get London Reading campaign, the Nook is on sale for a mere £30.
Online gadget lovers are despairing over the fact these seem to be out of stock everywhere, so I felt a bit smug when I snapped one up from humble old Argos *smug face*
Rumours are that Barnes and Noble are planning to stop making these babies and hence the reason for the whole initiative- but with literally MILLIONS of books available in the online store, that's not a concern.
Look, for £30 you're not going to get state-of-the-art, next level technology.
But as it stands- probably one of the best purchases I've ever made. I LOVE this thing.
Some books are an absolute bargain, while others are on the pricey side and might need a bit of consideration.
Sometimes page turning is a little slow or jumpy, but again, I can live with that.
It doesn't have a backlight, which makes reading in the dark impossible- but this is easily resolved by purchasing a clip-on one (mine literally cost £1)
The battery life is ridiculous- I've had it for two months and only had to charge it once so far.
And although I was joking earlier, it is true that you can read whatever the hell you want and no one has the slightest clue.
It's ideal if you're in to any (no, I'm not going to say sex books) self-improvement or career books.
I'm not sure I'll take it on my beach holiday in a month's time, because if it got wet I'd probably cry.
But for traveling and for time you'd spend waiting around, this is ideal.
So far it's accompanied me on lots of train journeys, to a long wait at the doctors, on many a lunch break and snuggled up in bed.
And how stylish does its nice red leather case look?!

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