£10 isn't a lot of money.
But sometimes it can mean a much-needed dose of petrol or some food. And you have to choose those (unfortunately) over the latest make-up craze.
A harsh reality, and maybe one that's not addressed very much in the bloggosphere, but I'm going to put it out there- for most of us, that's the way it is.
So it stands to reason that before making a purchase of say, £10 and above, you want to do your research first.
Sometimes blog reviews can really help. Sometimes there's nothing better than testing the product yourself.
And this is how I felt about the L'oreal Nude Magique CC Cream.
I've spoken about my (at best, frosty) relationship with BB creams on the UK drugstore market.
So how would a letter down the alphabet make any difference?
Getting older, and (thank heavens) finally shaking off my 'acne-prone' label, I've been looking for much lighter bases. I don't want something that completely masks my skin. I want it to be able to breath, but with some enhancement (some days a lot of enhancement, let's be honest).
So I was grateful for the chance to try a product that promises 'anti-fatigue' along with a host of other benefits, without masking my skin.
What it Says
'The magic Smart Pigment Capsules in a feather-light apricot hydrator transform into foundation on application. Helps wake up the complexion. A perfect nude look with buildable light-weight coverage.'
- I applied this with fingers, no primer and no other make-up on the face.
Firstly, the texture is quite 'weird'. Yes it's creamy, but as you can see (if you look closely!) it's full of little beads. I assume these are the 'smart pigment capsules' and they pop on contact with your face- although I don't have the eyes of a hawk, so I can't tell you that's exactly what happened.
What I do know happened is that this transformed in to a foundation on the skin and (thankfully) didn't remain the same colour you see here.
I know other people have remarked it might have been a little dark for them, or a little too yellow-toned, but I found this to be a pretty good match for my skin.
It blended in easily and, quite frankly, as soon as I put it on, I knew it had transformed my opinion of the BB/CC situation. At last! A drugstore product of this variety that doesn't make me look like an idiot!
The only thing I'm not keen on is the smell. I can't even describe it (maybe I had an 'off' sample) but I'm not a fan. Chemically, plasticy...not natural at all. Which is ironic, because that's how it's supposed to make your skin look.
...With a little added je ne sais quoi, of course.
So I decided I would test this CC, so-called 'magique' cream at the time I look my most fatigued. That's right. On a Sunday morning.
At the beginning of the day....
At the end of the day... (with one little touch up mid-afternoon)
*As you can see, this is my happy face.
So, how did we get on?
- WELL, as I said, I applied this without any other face products (a brave move, some would say). I'm not at my spottiest at the moment, but this did give good coverage to those 'oh dear' areas. It lasted well, although I did give it a little touch-up a few hours in after I noticed some lines (particularly around the eyes) had started to creep through. This feels comfortable on the skin and like you're not really wearing anything, which can be a refreshing change from those 'fully made-up' days. If you do need a little more coverage, applying this under foundation gives a nice glow to the skin. My boyfriend commented how nice my face looked when I wore this on an afternoon stroll (he didn't know I was doing this little experiment by the way, and I was so taken aback I almost fell over), so this is getting a thumbs-up from me.
- Overall, I'm really impressed with this product. It's changed my mind and is now going to be a definite pay-day purchase.
- To anyone who, like me, is living on a bit of a shoe-string (let's be honest it's a lot of us and there's no shame in it, so I don't know why we don't talk about it more as a blogging community), it really is worth saving those samples you get in magazines/ asking for them at your local drugstore or beauty counter. A little savvy can stop you from making an expensive mistake.
Have you tried this product? What do you think?

Follow @styleresolution
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