Do you ever catch sight of yourself in the middle of a busy working day and wish you didn't have to see anyone else, like, ever?
But then you realise you work in a massive office, have a meeting, and afterwards you're supposed to be seeing friends for drinks (oh, the high life- you can tell what I actually do after work...hello, I'm on the internet again.)
Anyway, you know what I'm saying. You can start the day fresh faced and made up. But come 2pm your best intentions have slid out the door, along with your face.
The solution? Ladies, I think I've found it.
I think, along with a lot of other people, that Simple skincare is one of the best drugstore ranges on the shelves. There are no nasties in there and lots of skin-loving ingredients and most of their products are only around the £5 mark.
I've long loved a moisturising touch up and for the last couple of years I've been using Avene.
But, taking advantage of Boots 3 for 2, I gave this a test in the shop and I instantly fell in love with it.
This is not just a refreshing 'water' that is, essentially, water.
When I spritz this on not only does it pep up make up, it feels like it's actually doing something.
And it smells fresh, too.
Perfect for all you busy girls on the go..And all the..Twitter addicts like me....
I'm going to keep today's post short and sweet because if it was up to me you would put down your other refreshing face sprays and go and treat yourself to this immediately.
I will also be posting a review of the Hydro Moisturiser soon so keep your eyes peeled! (And your faces refreshed)
Follow @styleresolution

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