...did you just baulk at the screen?
Yes, I can't say it's my favourite word, either.
Nowadays it is so ridiculed in the media that just saying the C word feels like swearing.
And having it feels even worse.
But let's be honest. Who doesn't have a dimple or two?! It doesn't matter if you're a size 8 or 18. Anyone can fall victim to this (as we are lead to believe) 'ghastly' condition.
But- and let's be honest again- it doesn't make you a bad person. Or mean you're not healthy. Or mean you don't look after yourself.
We all know the golden rules though- and if you want to ditch the orange peel there are a few things you can try.
- Drinking plenty of water
- Moisturising
- Body brushing
That's right. Body brushing.
This is the Sanctuary Hip and Thigh Massager
Now, I'm going to be honest with you. This is a pain in the ar*se (physically as well as mentally).
At first trying to remember to whip off your smalls, dig out a scary-looking brush and rub yourself from head to toe with it every time you shower can be a bit of a headache.
But, as those body experts would lead us to believe, with great efforts come great results.
You use this on dry skin three or four times a week and follow with a body scrub.
'Use the brush on legs and arms to boost circulation, smooth skin tone and assist the lymphatic system, improving the elimination of toxins throughout the body.
Apply more
pressure in circular upwards motions on the hips, thighs and buttocks
using the rubber nodules within the brush to provide a deeper
penetrating massage into the fatty tissues, to help improve the
appearance of cellulite.'
I've been using this for around two weeks and I can't say I've noticed a huge difference so far (then again who goes around closely examining their hips, thighs and buttocks in minute details a lot? *shifty eye movements*)
Still, fitness and feeling great isn't a sprint- it's a marathon. So we'll see where we are when it's time to bare all on the beach...*eek*
Follow @styleresolution

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