This is a big #Resolution for me. Namely because my thighs and I aren't on the best of terms.
Is it me, or have demin shorts got so small these days? The only people that can get away with most of those on offer on the high street are 11-year-old girls. (Who shouldn't be wearing them anyway, but that's a story for another day...)
High and low I have searched for a pair that don't create camel toe or flash my bits to unsuspecting passer's by.
Most are just a straight up: NO.
And to be honest, I thought I was never going to find an acceptable pair. Which, with a holiday and the summer coming up, made me a sad sausage :(
But lo and behold, in comes the boyfriend jeans trend and with it- these bad boys!
Yes, Yes indeed.
New Look- £14.99
At first I was sceptical about even trying these on. But I'm so glad I dared to!
If you have a similar problem to me (that problem being, you have meat on your thighs and not just bone...) then I can't recommend these enough.
They're just long enough, fit nicely, feel comfy. And I can think of 100 different ways to dress these up or down.
Thank heavens for tights because apart from my holiday, judging by the 'spring' we've had, I wouldn't be getting much opportunity to wear these otherwise!
So today's #Resolution is to crack these out. Dare to wear and say YES! And that applies to any item you've got your eye on/ have in your wardrobe but are too scared to wear. One day, you'll regret not trying. So make sure you don't have anything to regret!
Watch this space for plenty of OOTDs with these
Follow @styleresolution

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