I just can't stop sniffing myself (which sounds wrong and probably is wrong, also).
In my (quite lovely, may I add) bedroom, you will find a shelf. And that shelf is mainly filled with perfumes. Eu de toilettes, sprays, mists...you name it, if it's of the fragrance variety, it's up there.
But recently I've decided I'd like to smell nice every second of the day.
Not that I'm saying I stink now or anything (keep digging that hole Sam, keep digging).
It's just that in the rush of the day when you're flapping around and your so-called '24 hour protection' deodorant starts to flag, you wish you could be one of those girls who always smells lovely and look fresh to boot.
Well enough is enough of sweatin'! Today's #Resolution is to do just that.
And will I be carrying around a bulky bottle of perfume? Spritzing myself at all available hours? Making others cough at the fumes? No.
Because I've found something that's long-lasting, natural smelling and of an absolute bargainous price.
*The Body Shop Coconut Eu De Toilette
I've found myself really getting in to The Body Shop lately. I think it has a lot to do with taking more of an interest in the ingredients I'm putting on to my skin and where they come from. (That's right! I have ethics!...Who knew?!)
But what I really like more than The Body Shop is the smell of coconut. I mean, I can not get enough, it is bordering on addictive.
Holidays, sun tan lotion, Pina Colada...who doesn't want to smell of those things?!
Especially with the weather we've had over the last..oh I don't know, gazillion years. It's nice to have something that lends itself towards glorious summer.
Equally as impressive as the fragrance itself, is the selection.
I mean, looking across the many shelves in the store, it becomes clear you can smell of any exotic fruit/ spice you want.
Vanilla? No problem. White musk? There you go. Berries, citrus notes...if I wasn't such a big fan of coconut I'd have a tough time deciding!
As a Love Your Body member (the card costs about £5 I think- let me know if you'd like a separate post on what this is)- I had 20% off. Which meant a 30ml bottle cost a grand total of £6.80
£6.80 for a decent bottle of perfume is, quite frankly, insane.

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