WHO wants to look glam/ pretty/ not-quite-as-rubbish-as-they-feel with a minimal amount of effort?
Who wants to be perked up with just a quick swipe and, if the time calls for it, no mirror?
I do and I do to all these things!
So I got real and made a purchase I've wanted for ages but never had enough gusto to just go and buy. And boy, I know I'm jumping on the bandwagon a little late here, but this has (surprisingly) become my favourite lip product :) Yay.
It's the Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter. And the shade I have is Candy Apple.
Now, let me do a little explaining here- I'm a big lipstick girl. And more than anything, I love bright shades and colours.
'Light' and 'a wash of colour' just don't, well, wash with me.
Or so I thought.
As much as I'd heard rave reviews of these lip butters, they just didn't appeal to my sense of garishness.
Why go demure when you can go bold?! I thought. But then I really got in to the 'less is more' 'beauty from within' thing and I realised subtle can sometimes mean sexier.
Oh yes, I said that word.
Not only do I love the colour of this, I love the name- so American and also quite autumnal (which I know is completely the wrong season, but come October who'll be the one laughing?!*
*hopefully me
This fits so nicely into my every day make-up bag, as well as being nice for weekends/ dinners/ casual evenings out.
And it's so easy to apply, you don't even need a mirror (or the ol' back of a knife trick).
I also like how moisturising this is. The name 'butter' makes it sound a bit slippery, but it's not a bit. It doesn't slip and slide across your face and it has a lovely glossy yet not sticky finish.
So today's post is a bit rambly, but the #Resolution behind it is to wear this as much as possible because it's freakin' lovely.
And also to tell you, if you haven't already, to go out and get yourself one. Especially since this is just £5.99 at Superdrug at the moment.
Because I'm very glad I read those blog posts and paid attention too :) Follow @styleresolution

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