Ahh tight skin.
Isn't. It. Great.
Even if you have normal/ practically perfect skin, I'm sure you've suffered from tightness at some point in your life.
On your skin. ON YOUR SKIN.
As promised, I've got you a review of the NO7 Beautiful Skin Melting Gel Cleanser.
I know, I'm good to you.
But that's enough about me. Let's talk about the reason we're really here.
Tight Skin.
No, it's not because your skin is really, really squeeky clean.
Is it? Should a product make you feel like you can't move your face?
Or is it because you've been stripped of all your natural oils?
If you find yourself having this conversation in your head *let's be honest, it's definitely not just me*, then you'll want to keep on reading.
SO. As I wrote in my No7 Cleansing Brush post, I got this along with that. (Wow, great grammar there).
At first when I used it (with the cleansing brush), I was a little....meh.
I didn't really see that it was doing much. It doesn't really foam with the brush at all.
Although it is very gentle on the skin. And the brush can be quite harsh. So it balances that out.
It wasn't until I started using this as a cleanser on its own that I started to really love it.
I use this about three days of the week and alternate with my hot cloth cleanser.
First I remove my make up with L'oreal's Micellar Solution, just to make sure I'm not rubbing any nasties in to my face. Then I apply this to dry skin and watch it melt away.
It comes out of the tube as a gel-type paste. Looks a bit like wallpaper paste actually, but more yellow in tone. And smells nicer, obviously.
But on contact with the skin it does (as the name suggests) it does melt. And it's a really nice experience, rubbing this in *Yes, I know how weird that sounds*
After a poopy day it's quite nice to pour a glass of wine, put on some Destiny's Child and take off your war paint with this- Ladies, ya'll know I'm right.
What It Says-
(Thought you could probably see for yourself on this one)
What do I think? Well, all in all, this definitely does what it says on the tin.
I'm not sure about this 'skin nutrition' claim. I guess they're trying to imply this feeds your face...but I tend to think you need to get your nutrients from foods, as opposed to anything you put on your face.
The best thing about this cleanser is there is no tightness after use.
As it says, it is especially formulated for people with dry skin. And although it might not seem an 'obvious' choice, the dry-skinned amongst us might want to consider No7 as part of their skincare regime. My sister has very dry skin but over the last year she's really got in to the range and I have to say, she looks more gorgeous than ever. And she's ageing better than me. Annoying when there's hardly a year between the two of you.
After using this my skin feels really clean and soft. Although I'm not saying 'no tightness' means you don't need a moisturiser.
It's just nice to finish up in the bathroom and not think 'arghh I need to slap some moisturiser on right this second!'
This costs £9 but you don't need a lot of product to do the job.
Although, I appreciate if you're on a budget that might seem pricey.
Especially, as some people think, it just goes down the drain.
But I tend to justify cleansers by looking at Lisa Eldridge. Every time I hear her talk about her (let's face it) fantastic skin, she always says cleanse, cleanse, cleanse!
I don't think a good anti-ageing moisturiser is enough to push away the hands of time. You need to be getting rid of all the horrible guff that comes in to contact with your skin throughout the day.
No7 usually have a £5 voucher doing the rounds as well, so if I do have my eye on any of their products, I tend to wait until then- it makes this £4 and you can't say fairer than that.
Review By Numbers
Did it live up to it's promises?-5/5. Yes- but it took me a bit of time to get to grips with this. They do recommend you use it with the Cleansing Brush, but personally, I'd say that's not the best way to use it. Although it is gentle enough to balance out the abrasive nature of that product. And since using the two together my skin is clearer than it's ever been.
Packaging- 3/5- Simple, clean, does what it says on the tube. It looks quite classy, some might say *'some' clearly being me*
Value for money- 4/5-As I said earlier, a good cleanser is an absolute essential for me. Especially as I have a bit of a phobia of germs in my skin. Plus if you have a No7 voucher, what's not to love?
Recommend to a friend? Yes.

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