Tuesday 1 January 2013

Resolution #1 Start as you mean to go on

I've made a lot of resolutions in my time. And, as you can probably imagine considering I've had to make a blog to ensure I stick to them, I've failed in the past. Miserably.

The cut back on chocolate plan wasn't exactly a winner. In 2010, 2011 or 2012.

The 'no wine' went out the window after a stressful day at work last January 3.

And the less that can be said about 'must get more sleep and not stay up til the early hours watching trash TV', the better.

But resolution #1 of The Style Resolutions is to stick to my resolutions.

I guess it should actually be to finish all the chocolate by midnight tonight so I can wake up for a healthy new start tomorrrow...which is what I'm doing right now. Eating and typing- thAat's multitasking right there.

Anyway, in the spirit of what this blog is about, I thought resolution #1 would post some pics of the clothes I WILL be rocking in 2013. This is mainly an exercise in scaring myself. *Puts the chocolate away*


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