Something REALLY ANNOYING happened.
I wrote out this whole post for you and thought I had scheduled it and turns out I have deleted it instead. Garrrrrgh. It is the stuff of blogger nightmares!
To anyone else I probably sound like an idiot.
So never mind, deep breaths, let's do it again.
Now, *moan over* we've all heard of the Clarisonic. And I'm sure, for those of you out there really in to skin, it is an essential tool and/or at the very top of your cleansing wish-list.
But at more than £100, for me, the wish-list is unfortunately where it's staying. For the forseeable future at least.
If only another brand would make something similar for people like us, ey? People who dream of getting down in to those pores and dragging out the dirt
Seems (On the surface of it, at least) that No7 have done just that.
mmm hhmmmm that's right.
Lo' and behold, the Beautiful Skin Cleansing Brush.
And it costs just a snippet, at £25.
And oddly enough, I've had this since March 25. Which means I've tried and tested it for a good month before I've given you my thoughts.
I know there are reviews of this floating about all over the place, but I didn't want to rush and give you an opinion that isn't of any real value just so I could get it out there with the masses, y'know?
I should also point out (as may be obvious from my pauper's rant) that I haven't tried the Clarisonic. So this is coming to you from purely a 'how good is this product?' position, as opposed to a 'How does it compare?' position.
Let me tell you in one word- okay, three- I really like it (alright I sneaked an extra one in there, but who's counting?!)
Let me tell you, if you haven't used anything like this before, it takes some getting used to.
At first I was a bit like 'arrrrh! WHAT IS HAPPENING!'
But this I blame partially on myself (I didn't use enough cleanser) and secondly on the fact a new brush head is a little abrasive.
On the first use it did feel a little as though I'd cleaned my face with an electric toothbrush. Which would be a really weird thing to do.
For anyone with sensitive skin, use this on the first setting, which is slower and ever-so-slightly-more gentle.
I believe the official line from No7 is that anyone with sensitive skin shouldn't use it.
The official line, for anyone else, is to only use this for 60 seconds at a time.
But me, being me, I did what I always do and totally ignored this advice.
I can't say I'm sorry I did. I mean, I have the face the size of a large dinner plate. Do you think 60 seconds is enough to get even half-way around this thing?! Silly No7.
I know some people are saying they had a purge with the Clarisonic/ they didn't with this...But after the first few uses, I had a break-out. Especially along my jaw line. And I think that may have been to do with the fact this pulled out dirt I hadn't managed to cleanse out myself *high-five for clean pores*
Since then, my skin is genuinely the clearest it has ever looked.
I'm not saying it's normal to be spotty at 24, but I'm coming out the closet and saying it- yes, I have my skin problems, yes I am officially a grown woman. And yes, I'm not the only one.
So by now, I'm kind of used to the old 'oh look, there's another spot. Joy' routine.
For the past month, however, I've had so many less of those moments.
Which is, for anyone who has suffered or is suffering acne right now, a happy feeling I can not describe.
I obviously can't say it's all down to this brush, but I definitely believe it's had a part to play.
I use this around three times a week as part of a really deep cleanse routine. And I make sure I take my make-up off before I put this anywhere near my face. And I also make sure I clean it thoroughly between each use. Germ-harbouring does not a good tool make.

Follow @styleresolution
I'd love to try a cleansing brush again...I have a Clarisonic but it made me break out so so bad!