Although L'oreal is a drugstore brand- for me- it always has that luxurious feel.
When I buy a L'oreal product, it's always special treat.
I've talked about this before.
Maybe it's the packaging? Or the clever use of Cheryl Cole? Or the fact that when I grew up (in the 90s and early 90s) I remember L'oreal being an 'iconic' brand.
I always wanted to play make-up with my mum's L'oreal.
And there's something about the smell of Elnett that takes me back to those times.
It feels like a proper, proper treat to have L'oreal.
L'oreal reminds me so of the 90s.
And we all know I love the 90s.
(Carrie Bradshaw 90s...not *Bewitched 90s)
So, with pay-day and a 3 for 2 offer at Superdrug came the chance to have that 'naughty' feeling again.
(HOW sad, ey?!)
Here's what I got in my little L'oreal haul...
*The downside? L'oreal is a bugger to photograph. STOP SHINING DAMMIT!
Growing up with no money is tough.
Not least because when you are an adult and you have your own money, you always have that 'oooh this is very naughty' guilt feeling in the back of your head whenever you buy anything.
So today's #Resolution is to stop associating L'oreal with that feeling and remember the eight-year-old me, playing dress-up, and how excited she would be.
...But to stop short at applying make-up like the eight-year old me, of course.
Smeared lipstick-across-face does not an iconic look make.
I'll be writing reviews of all of these products very soon.
In the meantime you can check out here
and here for previous L'oreal reviews.

Follow @styleresolution
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