As a great woman once said, with great hair comes great responsibility.*
And, when it comes to backcombing it to within an inch of its life, your hair will always make sure that if you do the crime, you do the time.
So when I find, come Sunday night, I can barely get my fingers through my bouffant, I have no one to blame but myself.
Thankfully, I do have someone else to rely on for detangling.
No, I'm not a mega-rich princess who has a maid to brush her long, flowing locks each night (we can dream, we can dream).
I have Dove.
Two Dove's, to be precise.
And both costing as much as a Costa.
Nourishing Oil Care.
I can't get enough of this stuff.
Whether hair's dry, wet, up, down..this stuff doesn't care. It's not prejudiced! It will still nourish and tame and leave you smelling nice.
I'm literally obsessed with it at the moment.
I did have the coloured-hair variety, but now I have the Oil Care.
To be honest- I can't see that there's a difference. They both smell the same and act the same.
The formula comes in two parts- an oil which sits on top and a watery-conditioner.
You have to shake (well) to mix the two and spritz on to hair.
The one thing I'd change is the bottle- it spritzes fine when full, but when you've just got a bit at the bottom, getting it out becomes a problem.
Likewise trying to spray at an angle (which let's face it, is always how you want to spray your hair).
These two products have become part of my regular shopping list. A bottle of spray can last for about a month (if I'm stringent) and costs around £1.73 when it's on offer (a lot) at Boots.
A bottle of Intensive Repair conditioner? Four washes, at best.
I tend to slather it on in the shower, tie my hair up and give a good rinse at the end.
It does say it's a 1 minute conditioner, which is great for in a hurry- but I tend to leave it on just to make sure.
It leaves hair much easier to detangle (handy if you actually want to sleep at night...), soft, shiny and smelling clean.
I'd really like to see Dove make this stuff in a big tub, like Tresemme does with its conditioners.
But then I guess they wouldn't have thick-haired tangle-obsessives like me splashing out on a new bottle every fortnight.
*I don't know who, if anyone, has ever said this.

Follow @styleresolution
thank you for the recommendation, I use argan oil from pro naturals which is really good for hair too, helps to repair the damaged hair and leaves it soft and healthy again.