I know On and On Bronze is a firm bloggers' favourite.
I do like that.
But ya'll know how I feel about glitter.
And unfortunately it had to be this or that (although I am 100 percent determined On and On Bronze will be working its way in to my possession sooner or later.)
But you can't go wrong with a taupe eye. Well, I'm sure you can.
All I'm saying is, the Maybelline Color Tattoo makes it extremely difficult.
And Permanent Taupe is also extremely difficult to find.
My Superdrug friend managed to help me actually get my hands on this when it finally came back in to stock.
I know not every branch stocks it. And so far since I got it, I've looked in Tesco, several Boots- nada.
When these first launched they caused quite the stir, with some shade selling out UK-wide.
But I thought the hype might have died down enough to mean I could easily get this. I was wrong. Which I guess, although annoying, is a nice thing- clearly it's popular for a reason.
And if you're in to every-day eyeshadows/ brown smokey eyes, this is definitely worth tracking down.
Well- it stays put.
My biggest eyesahdow bug-bear is creasing. It annoys me so much to put something on in the morning and have it all over my face by noon.
This stuff...I don't think it knows the meaning of the word 'crease.'
Although you'd expect something with so much stick to feel heavy, it doesn't.
To the point where I even forgot I had it on.
So I was pleasantly surprised to look in the mirror and be like 'oh yea, hello.'(Not in a seductive way...that would be weird.)
Maybelline claim it will stay on for an entire day.I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be wearing make-up for 24 hours on the trot.
I wish I was the kind of girl who was partying here, traveling there...I'm not. I definitely have time for a good cleanse most nights!
I can, however, wear this for a good 12 hours.
Which, yes, is half the time it promises- but is still pretty good.
By hour10, you do get a bit of creasing. But that by any standards, that's acceptable.
The formula is pretty similar to the Mac Paint Pots (which I'm sure you've heard before).
Except these are £4.99.
You can't go wrong!
Unless you are really bad at applying eyeshadow....

Follow @styleresolution
This is my favorite eyeshadow by far! I love this color and where it daily.