It's the reason I drag myself out of bed in the mornings.
I last thing I think about at night....
What is the treasure behind my drifting thoughts, I hear you ask?
A knight in shining armour? An exciting new job?
No, dear reader. The hero in this magical fairytale known as my life is none other than the hearty oat.
When you're a bit poor/ have spent what little money you have on a holiday (a well-needed holiday may I add), and clothes for said holiday, it's not always easy to get healthy foods on a budget.
If we're going in to personal views here, I may as well say I don't think living on a tight budget is any excuse for not eating right. I live on a tight budget. But you won't catch me ever buying a ready meal. Vegetables really don't cost the earth. Nor do eggs, potatoes, wholemeal pasta, fruit or fish.
And neither, as you may have guessed, do oats.
The Low-Down on Oats
Oats are a great source of important dietary fibre
One part of this soluble fibre found in oars is beta-glucans- which has been proven to lower blood cholesterol.
Oats can help stabilise blood sugar levels- helping to prevent diabetes
Oats, like many plants, contain phytochemicals which are thought to help prevent cancer
Oats can help stabilise weight (YES, PLEASE), help regulate bowel function (we won't go in to this any further..) and a daily serving is thought to lower blood pressure.
So you see the answer is OATS :)*
*yes, the answer to all life's problems
So, how do I 'style' my oats?
Well, as you may have guessed from this blog, I like to dress things up a little bit. I know it's better for you, but I can't stand it with just water (what am I, living in an 18th century workhouse?! No thanks)
So I add a dash of semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, stir and bung in the microwave (because radiation makes things even better)
Then, if I'm feeling like a particular sweet treat (and don't want to break in to the Dairy Milk), I'll chop up a banana and chuck that in
*Because none of you know what a banana looks like.....
Next I'll add a dash of honey...
Then pop it in to the microwave for a little longer...
And voila! Delicious.
Note- If you're giving your eating a healthy overhaul, like me, avoid *AVOID AVOID* pre-packaged oat sachets..they're packed full of sugar.
Get plain oats (which work out cheaper) and dress them up yourself.
Oats make me ever so happy. On the days I get up early enough to have them before work (these have to be good skin days..otherwise my time is spend slapping on the foundation), I'm driving to the office with a smile on my face and a content feeling in my tummy.
For more information about oats, you can have a look here
Do you like oats? How are you eating yours?

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