Pencil Skirt- Charity Shop, £3.99
Shoes- New Look (Sale), £8
Bag- Charity Shop (£2.95)
Who says you can't wear leopard print and red?!
Well, up until a while ago- me.
Put these two together and I'd have been like.....what's your name, Kat Slater?
But I saw an article in company magazine about styling and outfit pretty much like this. I loved the way they'd taken the look and made it modern
I knew I had the items I'd need in my wardbrobe, so I gave it a go.
The result? I love it.
Nude heels keep it modern, don't you think?
I love this little bag- another charity shop gem. It cost £2.95 and its a classic 90s piece. It kind of reminds me of something Rachel in Friends would have as an evening bag. It reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw and New York.
So, today's #Resolution is never judge a leopard by its spots....
You can reclaim a look from the trash pile and make it work for 2013.
Do you have any clothing items that remind you of places or people? Or am I just weird?*
*That was a rhetorical question...

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