Wait, what's that?...the 90s are all over the catwalks, you say?! Oh. Better get my lycra cycling shorts back out then..(come on, if you were a child in the 90s you definitely had a pair of these and don't try to pretend you didn't!)
Call me crazy- but I just can't bring myself to get back in to dungarees (I had a bad experience with dungarees when I was about seven. It involved a toilet. That's all I'm willing to say on the matter.)
So I've decided it's all about doing the 90s the classic way.
I'm talking women in power suits with blue eyeshadow that shoul have been left wayyy in the 80s. No, I'm only joking!
What I'm talking, is 'matchy matchy'. Matching lips and nails is the way to go. What I like about this is that it's quite effortless. Do your manicure well in a colour with a corresponding lipstick and you can wear them both straight for a week. Maximum impact- minimum effort.
Obvs, the way I would do this in the modern day is red and red (of which I can't get enough)
But we're talking 90s- so it either has to be nude, or a nice pink shade.
And I've gone with Revlon Cherries in the Snow.
Typically, I only wear this lipstick on special occasions. I know it's only a drugstore brand...but Revlon always reminds me of the glamourous 50s.
Plus, this was a gift from my boyfriend (I know, he buys me lipstick. He's a keeper) and so it always has special memories for me *sick*
I was perfectly content, so I thought, with this lipstick. Nail polish? No sir, I don't need you.
I wasn't really a fan of the colour if I'm honest. I thought it looked a bit, well, 90s.
Then one day about a year ago (?!) I was catching up on my fave youtubers (as you do) and one of my all-time favourite bloggers, essiebutton was wearing this really pretty colour on her nails in a few of her posts and I was like...stop. press. What is that?!
And what was it?! It was Revlon Cherries in the Snow, of course!
So I did end up getting the matching nail polish and I'm really glad I did.
This matchy-matchy look has become one of my glam-up faves.
When you have a busy week, you don't want to be faffing around with changing colours and cr*p.
The nail polish wears well, doesn't chip easily (as long as you let it dry thoroughly first).
It's a good colour for work if your boss sometimes raises eyebrows at your nails *hands up if you've had this happen* and when you're off for an impromptu after-work drink, you can just shove on some of the lipstick and voila- instant chic!*
*Please don't actually shove it on...clown face= not classy, trust me...
What are your favourite colour combos? Any one tried this pair?

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